Open Apiary/ Hive Observation - How to prepare
How to prepare for Apiary Hive Observation:
***Do’s & Do Not’s in preparation to visit a Honey Bee Apiary
- Wear long pants; jeans preferable and closed toed shoes. Avoid dark colored clothes
- A Bee Suit will be provided to participate in Hive Observation. If you are not wearing a Bee Suit please stand back until it’s your turn to participate.
- Inform the Beekeeper if you are highly allergic to bee stings, honey or pollen. You will not be allowed to visit the hive if you are allergic to Bee Venom. If you are allergic to honey or pollen there will be limited access to bee hive components
- Focus on calm breathing and fluid movement, be aware the Honey Bee’s will investigate their visitors as much as you are learning about them. They will hover around you and occasional land on your clothing for a closer look.
- Eye glasses tend to emphasize the size of eyes. Bees are attracted to large eyes with a defensive behavior. Be calm and understand the behavior. The Bees may ‘Hit” the veil but know the veil is protecting you from the honey bees. Let the beekeeper know if this bee behavior is starting to cause anxiety for you.
- If a bee finds a way to sting you let the Beekeeper know so appropriate action can be taken
- Taking photos of the experience is encouraged. Please take caution on how close you get to the hive to get that good photo. Please bring your own bottled water;
Do Not’s: the following triggers aggressive behavior in Honey Bee’s
- DO NOT wear perfume, cologne or body odor masking scent.
- DO NOT swat or smash a Bee: the smashed bee will emit a pheromone that will trigger the hive
- DO NOT eat bananas the day of Hive Observation. Banana scent triggers honey bees
- DO NOT wear dark clothing;
- DO NOT participate in Hive Observation if you are allergic to bee stings, honey or have severe allergy to pollen
Step into the world of Apis Mellifera: The Honey Bee!!
First Step – Introduction at a glance
Prepare to visit the Honey Bees;
- Discuss bee behavior at hive entrance
- Review hive tools that will be used, Suit up, start the smoker,
Discuss the Honey Bee Hive configuration:
- I am using 10 frame Langstroth Hive throughout the apiary
- Each Hive has two “Deeps” for the Queen and their brood rearing
- Additional boxes are for Honey Supers “Winter Stores” or Honey Harvest
- Observe the hive entrance activity and get used to the Bees "buzzing"
- Notice the Swirl, Flight path, Greeting & Communicating,
- Different color/ age of the honey bee
Understand the role of each worker bee at the hive entrance:
- Guard/ Greeter, Fanning, Foraging (pollen, nectar, resin), Drone
- Attempt to hand feed the "girls"
- Offer the “girls” some “Bee Tea or Honey;” observe how they “eat”
- Stand in the swirl of bees (maybe too much but we will see)
- Staying calm is important; understand they are just as curious about you
Second Step: Opening the Hive Box
Open the Telescoping lid; wait for the girls to swirl out and settle down
- Some honey bees may land on your suit to investigate;
- There is no guarantee if the Bees are aggressive, or just curious.
Observe the Honey Bees looking up, curious about what’s going on
- There will be some investigation from the Honey Bee to ensure “no harm will be done”
- The Honey Bee will sense and smell your calmness, excitement, or fear
Notice the role of each Honey Bee
- The Honey Bee’s assigned to stay close to the hive will align themselves around the hive. Nurse, House cleaning, Attendees for the Queen, Construction Bees,
- Some Honey Bee’s will land on your bee suit or just fly in circles investigating your intentions
Third Step: Looking inside – The Honey Bee Democracy Home
Remove inner cover lid, look inside the hive
- Using the hive tool, remove the top inner cover lid
- Notice the propolis (bee glue) Bees collect to make the hive air tight
- Notice the girls moving around between frames
- Feel the warmth of the hive; measure the heat
Remove a few frames to see the Honey Bee activity on the frame
- Notice the evenly hexagon shaped cells built across the frame
- Discuss each frame build
- Brood frame: open / closed cells
- Dark beeswax vs Light beeswax
- Honey Stores: Pollen, Nectar, Bee Bread
- Honey: Open/ Closed cells
- Propolis: Sticky substance to seal the hive